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Choose A Pricing Option

Full, One Time Payment

The full price for this journey is $3900 or $325/month for 13 months.  If you are able to pay a full rate, please do. However, if it helps you to be able to join this journey together, please use an accessibility rate. Thank you for joining!

$3,900.00 USD

Stars Speak Accessibility Rate, One Time Payment

The full price for this journey is $3900 or $325/month for 13 months.  If you are able to pay a full rate, please do. However, if it helps you to be able to join this journey together, please use an accessibility rate. Thank you for joining!

$2,200.00 USD

Full Rate, 18 Month Payment Plan Option (available until January 15, 2025)

The full price for this journey is $3900 or $325/month for 13 months (or $235/month for 18 months).  If you are able to pay a full rate, please do. However, if it helps you to be able to join this journey together, please use an accessibility rate. I am offering this 18 Month payment plan option until January 15, 2025.  After that time, I am happy to offer you a 13 month payment plan. Thank you for joining!

18 monthly payments of $235.00 USD

Accessibility Rate, 18 Month Payment Plan Option (available until January 15, 2025)

The full price for this journey is $3900 or $325/month for 13 months.  If you are able to pay a full rate, please do. However, if it helps you to be able to join this journey together, please use an accessibility rate. Thank you for joining!

18 monthly payments of $135.00 USD

A Sacred Journey of Remembering The Myth, Soul, Magic, and Wisdom of the Stars as YOU...


~Welcome to a Portal of Remembering of the Stars as YOU~


The Stars Are Needing to Speak Through YOU...
Do You Feel Them?
Do You Hear Them?


Take a deep breath and feel Gaia and our current pole star, Polaris, holding us, grounding us into our center, and then infinite stars surrounding us, surrounding the Earth, surrounding our solar system and even our galaxy.

Feel and imagine a circle of stars, a council of Gaia, Polaris, and other stars holding us in a deep portal of Great Remembering in this time.

The Stars are speaking.

The Stars are here helping us to remember... to remember them, to remember ourselves, and to remember healing and love and so much more about the nature of existence and our place in it.

In this thirteen month journey of THE STARS SPEAK, join me, Chris Skidmore, Heather Ensworth, Cayelin Castell, Divine Harmony, Julia Balaz, and a community of other beautiful, like minded souls to be part of this Great Remembering of the Stars as Us, the Stars as YOU.


Every gathering in the year will be both live and recorded and you will have access to the recordings indefinitely.

During our year together, we will learn, explore, and remember the science, the mythology, the astrology and most importantly, YOUR own soul knowing of the stars.

In each month, we will meet three to four times.

We will have a workshop with me to learn that "cognitive" side of the group of constellations and stars we are focusing on that month.

We will then have a gathering with Chris Skidmore each month to dive into the mythology and "dream world" of the constellations of that month.

We will then enjoy a channeled session with me to connect with YOUR soul knowing of the stars and the wisdom they are bringing through.

And then we will have small sharing circles to process and integrate what is coming through each of us each month.

In addition, for each of the modules of three months each, we will enjoy the company of and a workshop with four wonderful guest speakers, each with a unique perspective and expertise on the stars.

Those guest speakers are: Heather Ensworth, Cayelin Castell, Divine Harmony, and Julia Balaz.

Each of them will give their perspective on the group of stars we are focusing on in that time of year.


NOTE: When you register, you receive the Astrology of 2025 workshop and guide as a gift to you. 

In addition, being part of this course will include four ceremonies I will hold at the time of each Equinox and Solstice. Those ceremonies will be open for anyone involved in any of my astrology courses in the year. You are welcome to join those ceremonies once you register for this course, even before the course itself begins.

This course comes with a 25% discount on all other courses I am offering, as well as a 20% discount on personal sessions with me. 

~The Council of Stars with Gaia~









The Andromeda Galaxy






The Pleiades


The Orion Nebula










Everything Else Calling to You...


And so much more...



APRIL 2025:

  • The Anatomy and Soul of Stars
  • The Anatomy and Soul of Myth - Callisto and the Bears
  • The Star Speaking: Polaris


“The Summer Triangle and the Life of the Milky Way”


(Guest Speaker: Cayelin Castell)


Summer Constellations:

• Aquila the eagle

• Cygnus the swan

• Hercules

• Lyra

• Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer

• The Archer/Sagittarius

• The Scorpion/Scorpius



  • Orpheus, Hermes, Apollo with the Lyre
  • Aquila (eagle who carries the thunderbolts of Zeus)
  • Cygnus
  • Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, etc.


The Stars Speaking:

  • May: Vega (Lyra)
  • June: Deneb (Cygnus), Altair (Aquila)
  • July: Antares (The Scorpion)



“The Celestial Sea, Perseus, Medusa, and More…”


(Guest Speaker: Divine Harmony)


Fall Constellations:

• Andromeda

• The Waterbearer/Aquarius

• The Goatfish/Capricornus

• Pegasus the winged horse

• The Fish/Pisces

• The Ram/Aries

- Cassiopeia

- Cepheus



  • Perseus, Medusa, Andromeda, and Pegasus
  • Ganymede
  • Pan
  • Cassiopeia and Cepheus
  • The Fish, the Ram, etc.


The Stars Speaking:

  • August: The Andromeda Galaxy
  • September: Algol
  • October: Fomalhaut



“The Magic of Sirius, Orion, and the Pleiades”


(Guest Speaker: Heather Ensworth)


Winter Constellations:

• Canis Major

• Cetus

• Eridanus

• The Twins/Gemini

• Orion

• Perseus

• The Bull/Taurus



  • Orion
  • Orion’s Dogs
  • Artemis
  • The Pleaides
  • Castor and Pollux
  • Taurus the Bull


The Stars Speaking:

  • November: The Pleiades
  • December: The Orion Nebula
  • January: Sirius


“Hercules and the Remembering of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine”


(Guest Speaker: Julia Balaz)


Spring Constellations

• Bootes

• The Crab/Cancer

• Crater

• Hydra

• The Lion/Leo

• The Priestess/Virgo

- Hercules



  • Hercules (including the Crab, the Hydra, the Lion)
  • The Goddesses
  • Bootes, the Herdsman


The Stars Speaking:

  • February: Regulus
  • March: Spica
  • April: Arcturus


And back to Polaris… (Arcturus is the Bear Keeper of the Bear running around the Pole star…)



Cayelin Castell

Cayelin K Castell is the co-founder of Venus Alchemy and My Star Alchemy.

In addition to writing monthly Celestial Timings for over 25 years, she enjoys sharing these mysteries through personal readings and teaching both Online and In Person Events, changing lives and perspectives from the visionary understanding that we inform the mysteries as much as they inform us!




EMAIL: [email protected]

YouTube: @CayelinCastell


Divine Harmony

Divine Harmony is a mother, mystic, astrologer, writer and teacher. With her background in Depth Psychology and Spirituality she works to weave together the Dark and the Light, the mundane and the sacred, the depths and the heights in order to support personal awakening, healing and wholeness. She sees astrology as an amazing alchemical tool for self-understanding and living a more conscious, integrated life. She has a special interest in the Divine Feminine, Shadow Work, Conscious Relationship and learning how to raise the new children incarnating on the planet today.


Youtube: @divineharmonyastrology


Heather Ensworth

Heather Ensworth, Ph.D., is an internationally known astrologer with over 25 years of experience. She has also practiced as a clinical psychologist for over 35 years. In addition, she is a shamanic practitioner and has facilitated sacred circles for women for healing and spiritual development for more than 20 years.

She is committed to exploring and teaching ancient wisdom and healing practices for our own healing and the healing of the Earth.

Heather is the author of the book Finding our Center: Wisdom from the Stars and Planets in Times of Change, and co-author of the books: From Trauma To Freedom: One Woman’s Journey and a Holistic Guide for Healing and Higher Vibrational Living: Through Astrology, Essential Oils and Chinese Medicine.

YouTube channel: @HeatherEnsworth



Julia Balaz

Julia Balaz is a galactic astrology researcher and guide. For many years, Julia felt guided to meticulously study Astrological Charts of her clients after their regression hypnosis (QHHT) sessions. She was looking for some verification on ET information that came up in so many sessions.

As a result of analyzing close to two thousand astrological charts, including Fixed Stars alignments, Julia feels called to share her research data confirming epic cosmic orchestration and influence of celestial bodies on our lives, supporting our collective evolution.

A passionate researcher of Souls journeying through the cosmos, Julia shares her fascinating discoveries on her social media and in her online courses.




Chris Skidmore

Chris Skidmore weaves together the three disciplines of Astrology, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Process-Oriented Psychotherapy. His work is informed by his deep love and study of Greek Mythology and its illustration of the human condition in an unfiltered dream-like language. Following in the path laid down by depth psychology, he believes that we can find resemblances of our current life situations in ancient myths. By doing so the stories often reveal creative solutions to life's seemingly impossible conundrums and cycling patterns.

He is in private practice in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia and works both in person and over Zoom. Later this year he plans to begin teaching Astrology through a mythic lens.


Instagram: @on_the_souls_terms

Choose A Pricing Option

Full, One Time Payment

The full price for this journey is $3900 or $325/month for 13 months.  If you are able to pay a full rate, please do. However, if it helps you to be able to join this journey together, please use an accessibility rate. Thank you for joining!

$3,900.00 USD

Stars Speak Accessibility Rate, One Time Payment

The full price for this journey is $3900 or $325/month for 13 months.  If you are able to pay a full rate, please do. However, if it helps you to be able to join this journey together, please use an accessibility rate. Thank you for joining!

$2,200.00 USD

Full Rate, 18 Month Payment Plan Option (available until January 15, 2025)

The full price for this journey is $3900 or $325/month for 13 months (or $235/month for 18 months).  If you are able to pay a full rate, please do. However, if it helps you to be able to join this journey together, please use an accessibility rate. I am offering this 18 Month payment plan option until January 15, 2025.  After that time, I am happy to offer you a 13 month payment plan. Thank you for joining!

18 monthly payments of $235.00 USD

Accessibility Rate, 18 Month Payment Plan Option (available until January 15, 2025)

The full price for this journey is $3900 or $325/month for 13 months.  If you are able to pay a full rate, please do. However, if it helps you to be able to join this journey together, please use an accessibility rate. Thank you for joining!

18 monthly payments of $135.00 USD