Welcome Beautiful Souls to this FREE Journey into the Heart and Soul Wisdom finding expression through us at this Great Shift into a NEW Galactic Age.
This wondrous online adventure is taking place from
March 9-30, 2025.
We are currently at the beginning of a NEW Galactic Year from Earth's perspective that will last for nearly 26,000 years.
It has never been more important to consciously co-create with Great Mystery intending, energizing and magnifying the presence of Peace, the presence of Love, and the presence of Light as the foundations of this emerging Galactic Year in the Quantum Field of this new reality.
We are thrilled to share the insights and wisdom emerging into our awareness now as we celebrate this New Galactic Year and the shift from an Age of Darkness to an Age of Light where we see more of our true selves and the power and majesty of who we have always been but just couldn't see.
We have twelve wonderful presenters who are sharing their expertise and wisdom about this remarkable time with insights about what it means and how best to co-create and collaborate with Great Mystery as we energize a New Earth reality based in love.
Our speakers include:
- Cayelin Castell
- Martha Alter Hines
- Sheridan Semple
- Heather Ensworth
- Divine Harmony
- Ke'oni Hanalei
- Jaime Goldstein
- Lauren Jubelirer
- Ari Moshe Wolfe
- Chris Skidmore
- Melanie Reinhart
- Gary Caton
Join us here!
And please invite anyone you feel would benefit from this offering as well.
One Magical Talk Per Day All Available Indefinitely For Free...

- March 9, 2025, 10am - 11:30am Pacific: OPENING CEREMONY (Live and Recorded)
- March 9 - March 19: Pre-Recorded Talks, One Per Day
- March 13/14, 2025: Lunar Eclipse, 23' 56 Virgo (trining Uranus; sun conjunct Saturn)
- March 19, 2025, 10am - 11:30am Pacific: Equinox Ceremony
- (Sun Conjunct Neptune at 29’ 36 Pisces)
- March 20, 2025 (early AM Pacific time): Sun Enters Aries
- March 29, 2025: Solar Eclipse, 9'00 Aries conjunct Salacia, Saturn on north node in Pisces
- March 30, 2025, 10am - 11:30am Pacific: Closing Debrief and Blessings
- Neptune Enters Aries

Our Wonderful Speakers!
Cayelin Castell
Cayelin K Castell is the co-founder of Venus Alchemy and My Star Alchemy.
In addition to writing monthly Celestial Timings for over 25 years, she enjoys sharing these mysteries through personal readings and teaching both Online and In Person Events, changing lives and perspectives from the visionary understanding that we inform the mysteries as much as they inform us!
WEBSITES: www.cayelincastell.com www.venusalchemy.com www.mystaralchemy.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/cayelin.k.castell/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cayelink/
EMAIL: [email protected]
YouTube: @CayelinCastell
Martha Alter Hines
Martha Alter Hines, MSW, is a mom, an author, a healer, and an astrologer. Martha has twenty years of experience as a clinical social worker, psychotherapist, and body worker. She has primarily studied Evolutionary Astrology with Ari Moshe Wolfe and Heather Ensworth as well.
Martha bridges her trauma informed clinical background with her astrological knowledge, as well as a deep understanding of ourselves as beings of the cosmos, Earth, divine, heart, mind, and so much more.
Martha was born in Thailand and grew up in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Kenya, and the United States. Therefore, she has a deep passion for alleviating the suffering of our world.
Martha is dedicated to serving our world, to helping us each to thrive, and to supporting us to come back into the infinite wisdom and healing that is our natural state of being.
Website: https://livingtheonelight.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgNGs08tGaA3AdK0LpuWJTg
Heather Ensworth
Heather Ensworth, Ph.D., is an internationally known astrologer with over 25 years of experience. She has also practiced as a clinical psychologist for over 35 years. In addition, she is a shamanic practitioner and has facilitated sacred circles for women for healing and spiritual development for more than 20 years.
She is committed to exploring and teaching ancient wisdom and healing practices for our own healing and the healing of the Earth.
Heather is the author of the book Finding our Center: Wisdom from the Stars and Planets in Times of Change, and co-author of the books: From Trauma To Freedom: One Woman’s Journey and a Holistic Guide for Healing and Higher Vibrational Living: Through Astrology, Essential Oils and Chinese Medicine.
YouTube channel: @HeatherEnsworth
Websites: https://risingmoonhealingcenter.com
Chris Skidmore
Chris Skidmore weaves together the three disciplines of Astrology, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Process-Oriented Psychotherapy. His work is informed by his deep love and study of Greek Mythology and its illustration of the human condition in an unfiltered dream-like language. Following in the path laid down by depth psychology, he believes that we can find resemblances of our current life situations in ancient myths. By doing so the stories often reveal creative solutions to life's seemingly impossible conundrums and cycling patterns.
He is in private practice in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia and works both in person and over Zoom. Later this year he plans to begin teaching Astrology through a mythic lens.
Website: https://onthesoulsterms.com
Instagram: @on_the_souls_terms
Sheridan Semple
I always say that the earth saved me. Growing up in the mountains of Aspen, Colorado, I discovered a deep love for the outdoors and the grounding, transformative power of nature. This connection taught me that aligning with our ancestral ways fosters a profound communion with the natural cycles we are inherently a part of. Just as our ancestors found insight and meaning through this connection, so can we—it’s simply a matter of remembering. As a Divine Feminine Astrologer and Astrological Life Coach, I help women embrace their inner power and step into their most authentic, empowered selves. Drawing on my extensive background as a Holistic Health Practitioner and Spiritual Aromatherapist, I weave together the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. My mission is to guide women in discovering their true essence, aligning with their life’s path, and connecting with the profound purpose their Soul holds for this journey.
WEBSITES: https://sheridansemple.com/ and https://venusalchemy.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/sheridan.semple/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095426593382
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@sheridansemple
Ke'oni Hanalei
Ke’oni Hanalei is a descendent of a Hawaiian-Mū lineage which spans 1,017 generations. The lineage, or mo’okūauhau, is preserved and documented in his family’s oli helu, a lineal chant, which documents names, places, and characteristics of these generations spanning 20,000 years.
Ke’oni was fortunate to become hanaid (adopted), at birth, by his maternal grandmother Kau’ikeonalani, and spent the first 5 years of his life immersed in ancient practice and mysticism. He is just one of only a handful of practitioners who have access and are willing to share this ancient archaic knowledge, or pre-flood wisdom.
‘ULU is one of the most prominent traditional legacies preserved in the families doctrines, this is a legacy of his lineage. ‘ULU incites cellular memory, DNA activation, and the comprehension of familial and lineal wisdom through the reading of the spinal cord, nervous system, and DNA.
A lifelong lover of the natural world, Ke’oni has found his sense of peace in reorienting into the natural rhythm of what it means to be organic, and the willingness to not just honor the organic, but function as organic.
Website: https://www.ulu.pohala.net/
Melanie Reinhart
Melanie Reinhart was born in Zimbabwe and astrology has been central to her life since 1959. She has been offering consultations, writing and teaching worldwide since 1975. A prize-winning diploma holder of the Faculty of Astrological Studies (1979), she is now also one of their patrons. Books include "Chiron and the Healing Journey" (1989, revised 2010). Melanie has a special interest in contemplative work, for healing and learning.
Lauren Jubelirer
Lauren has been incorporating Shamanic Practices into her own spiritual path, and her path as a healer, since 1987. She has studied with several indigenous shamans, healers, and medicine people as well as western teachers like Hank Wesselman and Sandra Ingerman. Most recently, she completed a two year Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman in 2020. She is also a professional Life and Embodiment Coach, mentor, Acupuncturist, and Shamanic Astrologer. Lauren weaves all these wisdom streams into her classes and private sessions .She is passionate about assisting others in awakening and deepening a relationship with their higher selves, guides, teachers, and master healers in the unseen worlds. These healing practices include bringing the lightand wisdom of our higher self into all aspects of our lives with clarity, ease, and grace. Lauren is currently taking students for shamanic healing practices including Soul Retrieval training.
Website: https://LaurenJubelirer.com
Email: [email protected]
Jaime Goldstein
Jaime Goldstein is a Heart-Centered astrologer who has an intimate connection with the Living Sky and Earth. Astrology is an embodied practice for her, and she seeks to inspire others to learn astrology through their direct experience and Heart-wisdom. It’s her core values that astrology be approached in a way that is Heart-centered, empowering, and inspiring. When sharing astrology, Jaime weaves her intuition with her deep studies. She holds sacred space in one-on-one astrology consultation sessions, teaching astrology courses, and holding ceremony. Through astrology, she seeks to inspire others to live life magically and become more conscious creators of their lives through understanding the multidimensional nature of astrology.
Website: https://www.astrologywithjae.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs29qyAva-qQzJW8lmp8Swg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaime_intuitive_astrologer/
Gary Caton
Gary P. Caton is a transdisciplinary Hermetic practitioner integrating diverse traditions, art forms and practices gathered over a full Saturn cycle. Initiated an astrologer by a magnificent Dream in 1993, he's since become a noted contributor to the 21st Century Renaissance in astrology and astral magic. Gary is also an accomplished counselor, writer, podcaster, teacher, and photographer.
Website: https://DreamAstrologer.com
Divine Harmony
Divine Harmony is a mother, mystic, astrologer, writer and teacher. With her background in Depth Psychology and Spirituality she works to weave together the Dark and the Light, the mundane and the sacred, the depths and the heights in order to support personal awakening, healing and wholeness. She sees astrology as an amazing alchemical tool for self-understanding and living a more conscious, integrated life. She has a special interest in the Divine Feminine, Shadow Work, Conscious Relationship and learning how to raise the new children incarnating on the planet today.
Website: https://divineharmony.com/
Youtube: @divineharmonyastrology
Ari Moshe Wolfe
With clarity and compassion, Ari Moshe teaches astrology as a spiritual study that serves in our own soul evolution. Ari Moshe’s teaching is rooted in the beautiful lineage of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green and continues to blossom with his own ongoing realization. Ari also deeply draws upon the wisdom teachings of A Course in Miracles, and brings his music with him wherever he goes.
WEBSITE: https://arimoshe.com/
YOUTUBE: @HeartAndSoulCenteredAstrology